The E6B

Pilots in real airplanes use a device called an E6B.  This is used to calculate, among other things, your speed and how much fuel you have left, and how far you can fly with that fuel.

Mechanical E6B
Mechanical E6B
Electronic E6B
Electronic E6B

In Aces High, there is an E6B function located in the clipboard.  While in flight, press (esc) to bring up the clipboard, and then click E6B.

E6B in Aces High
Aces High E6B

The E6B will show your Indicated Air Speed, True Air Speed, and Ground Speed.

The E6B will also tell you how much fuel you have left, how much you are currently using, and how far you can fly at your current throttle setting.  Use the E6B instead of the fuel gauge on your instrument panel to tell how much fuel you have left.  Most planes have more than one fuel tank, and the fuel gauge on the instrument panel is only showing one tank at a time.  In Aces High, the system will automatically cycle through the different fuel tanks to keep the plane balanced.  In real life, you would have to do this manually, and it would be different for different planes.  When you learn a little more, you can choose to do this manually if you wish.  For now, just use the E6B instead of your fuel gauge. Using the chart on the right of the E6B, you can tell how to adjust your throttle to get more range.

On the E6B, when you are in the Melee Arena, you will notice something that says “Burn Mult;  2.00”.  This means that your plane will burn fuel twice as fast in game as it would in real life.  This is to scale down the range of the planes, and make fuel a factor in your flights. In real life, many of these planes could stay in the air for several hours.  By doubling the rate your plane uses fuel in the game, you actually have to think about how much fuel you have left, and how far you can fly until you refuel.
